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Oracle Licensing Myths – BUSTED

There is often a lot of confusion surrounding Oracle licensing. For example, Orale’s documentation is often unclear and volumous. Today we are going to bust three Oracle licensing myths.

Myth #1: All you need is a DBA


Just having an Oracle DBA on staff is not enough to protect you from compliance issues.

While your DBA may be knowledgeable, there are a few issues with the assertion that they’re qualified to handle your Oracle licensing.


  • They’re spread super thin: DBAs are typically pulled in many different directions – keeping databases up and running, solving issues and supporting other members of the IT department. Oftentimes they just don’t have the bandwidth for this.


  • Too many moving parts: This goes hand-in-hand with bullet one, bandwidth. If your organization is spread thin, utilizing contractors, had turnover and may even be outsourcing resources, it’s easy for things to get lost. For example, you may have had past employees or contractors download an option pack that no one knows about – this may even pre-date your DBA or DBA team.


  • Oracle isn’t easy. Period.: Oracle software licensing is very complex. The rules and documentation surrounding it can be as convoluted as it is voluminous. Just because an individual has knowledge and experience using different products, does not mean that they intimately know and understand all the rules and restrictions surrounding all other products and option packs.

Myth #2: Contractors will save me


There are many contractors and tools out there that claim to be able to help with Oracle licensing. However, the reality is this, Oracle will ONLY accept outputs and results from a Verified 3rd Party Tool Vendor.

You cannot just work with any Oracle consulting company and think that your compliance issues are all squared away.

If you’re a Verified 3PTV, it means that you’ve jumped through the necessary hoops that Oracle themselves has laid out in order to ensure the capability to deliver accurate reports as well as having the necessary knowledge to be an expert in the space.

There are only 10 Verified 3PTV in the entire world.

Myth #3: You can’t have a good relationship with Oracle


Many people think that it’s impossible to ever be on good terms with Oracle. Phone calls from the Oracle rep(s) get ignored, emails all the way up the chain get ignored; before you know it, you’re facing a six-figure compliance bill that you never budgeted for.

However, this does not have to be your reality. Simple, open lines of communication with Oracle can alleviate much of your pain. It all starts with having a clear understanding of the state of your Oracle investment.

In short, there is no need to be afraid of Oracle if you know what you’re using, what you’re not using, what’s installed and what’s being paid for.


The Ultimate Oracle Resource


We’ve gone through these various Oracle Licensing myths and told you why they aren’t true, but how about a pragmatic solution that is as cost-effective as it is intuitive.

MAS (Master Automation Solution), our flagship software, is one of the 10 Oracle verified tools. Through a graphical UI, MAS gives you a clear picture of your Oracle portfolio all the way down to the database and user level displaying your licenses, total products and even the financial risk associated with non-compliance


If you’re interested in learning more about how Vendita can help you with your Oracle compliance challenges drop us a line here!

Hope to hear from you soon.


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