Vendita hits the Valspar

3 years ago

Running a business isn't just about cutting deals and driving revenue. It's about people and building relationships as well. We're…

Vendita is Oracle Verified!

3 years ago

Our bread and butter at Vendita has been helping organizations with their Oracle licensing and procurement. We've helped public and…

Oracle License Architecture: A High-Level Explanation

3 years ago

Let's play a game of word association. Oracle licensing: ________. Most likely your answer was "complex" or some synonym thereof.…

Reducing Complexity with Vendita’s LMS Team

3 years ago

The Vendita LMS (license management service) will help you cut through the confusion of Oracle licensing to negotiate the best…

Oracle License Management with Vendita

3 years ago

Businesses turn to technology to solve a host of problems as they face standard budget cuts and employee turnover. In…